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Listen to Theme Songs!
Download the sheet music, then listen to and download the theme songs below!

Below are the 4 'Raegan and RJ in Space' theme songs.  The first theme song 'Colonize the Galaxy' is for the whole series, and was done by Mr Ben Mullins of Tennessee.  The last 3 theme songs are for the books of the trilogy, 'Pump up the Ship' - 'Best of my Life' - 'By my Side', and were done by Justin Woodrum the Praise and Worship Director at Menchville Baptist Church in Virginia.

Here is the new theme song for the 'Raegan and RJ in Space!' series called 'Colonize the Galaxy' by Ben Mullins of Tennessee.  Ben Mullins has a very unique talent - he does both music and drawing, so when these are combined it is awesome.  He can be reached on-line at the Christian Comic Arts Society (CCAS).  Go to CCAS on-line to hear more awesome songs done by Ben for his upcoming comic release 'The Extraordinary League of Christianity'.  Mr Mullins also displays some of his artwork at the followning web site: http://cartoonistmusician.wix.com/elc  if you want to go look at it, including some excellent character sketches.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lueHFmyXQ0s  He also displays some of his artwork at the followning web site: http://cartoonistmusician.wix.com/elc  if you want to go look at it.  At this web site he shows some work from his upcoming comic story he is working on called 'The Extraordinary League of Christianity', and he has some very cool character sketches drawn.   Amazing!  You can tell this art took alot of effort and time to do.  Awesome.    

Here is the theme song 'Pump up the Ship!' for the first book in the trilogy 'Christmas at Alpha Centauri' by Justin Woodrum the Praise and Worship Director for Menchville Baptist Church: 


Here is the theme song 'Best of My Life' for the second book in the trilogy 'Journey to Barnard's Star' by Justin Woodrum the Praise and Worship Director for Menchville Baptist Church:

Here is the theme song 'By My Side' for the third book in the trilogy 'Homecoming' by Justin Woodrum the Praise and Worship Director for Menchville Baptist Church: 

1. All 4 Theme Songs Words and Sheet Music

Click filename below to access file


2. 'Colonize the Galaxy' Theme Song for the Series by Ben Mullins

Click filename below to access file


3. 'Pump up the Ship' special orchestral arrangement by Ben Mullins

Click filename below to access file


4. 'Pump Up The Ship!' Dramatic by Justin Woodrum

Click filename below to access file


5. 'Pump Up The Ship!' by Justin Woodrum

Click filename below to access file


6. 'Pump Up The Ship!' Acapella by Raegan

Click filename below to access file


7. 'Best of My Life' by Justin Woodrum

Click filename below to access file


8. 'Best of My Life' Acapella by Raegan

Click filename below to access file


9. 'By My Side' by Justin Woodrum

Click filename below to access file


10. 'By My Side' Acapella by Raegan

Click filename below to access file
